Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination

I have some things to do and I know deep down I need to get them done… but I don’t really FEEL like doing them! 

The last couple of weeks have held a lot of hard and challenging feelings for me and that is exactly why I don’t want to do these things.That, my friends, is procrastination. It’s not a matter of time, it’s a matter of emotion. What do I mean by that? Usually procrastination occurs because we think we can’t do it, we’re not good enough, we’re not qualified, etc. What happens when these thoughts take control? We stop in our tracks and avoid doing the work = PROCRASTINATION.

The problem is that this is a vicious cycle. In our aversion to doing the work, job, task, etc. we just end up reinforcing that thought… that we can’t do it! We procrastinate and then the brain tells us “see told you so” because we don’t finish it, or we’re so rushed that we don’t do a good job and feel disappointed, thus causing us to have the same emotions and then we keep procrastinating.

Can you relate?