Why Meditation?

Why Meditation?

How did you get started with meditation?

This is a question that I get asked often! I will be sharing more about my journey with meditation and mindful living. It will always be a practice because even though I teach it, I still need to implement it myself every single day.

Here’s the beginning, I dabbled in meditation for a few years after our infant son died as a tool to process my grief. It took a while before it became a regular practice for me. Just like anything new, it was hard to do. It was even harder because I had many thoughts and feelings that felt so out of control. It took committing to and regularly doing short sessions to start to feel like I was moving through this difficult time, not sitting on the sidelines.

Meditation was not the only thing that helped me through that time but it became something that gave me life again. You see, I was just going through the motions, living in survival mode… autopilot might be a good way to describe it. I really didn’t care much about myself, my relationships, I just showed up to do what I had to do and that was it. I missed a lot of amazing things during that time, because I simply wasn’t paying attention. I had no awareness of the life that I was letting pass me by.

After building my practice and I realized how powerful it was in helping me manage all that I was dealing with, I knew others needed it too so I became a certified meditation teacher. I have been teaching for over three years and built my philosophy of care around helping women be an active participant in their lives.. just like I did myself.

What questions do you have about meditation? I would love to continue the conversation about how this could change your life too.