Sleep deprivation is costing us...

Sleep deprivation is costing us...

Did you know that lack of sleep costs the US over $411 billion and 1.23 million working days annually?

How can this be, you ask?

Lack of sleep impacts millions of workers across the United States, costing us in both finances and time due to reduced productivity and higher mortality risk. Compared to other developed countries, the US is suffering the most due to sleep deprivation.

The ironic thing here is that it is often because of our work that we are losing sleep. Either we are working multiple jobs, staying up late/getting up early to work on our own businesses, or have such high-stress work environments that we are unable to fall and/or stay asleep.

What can you do if you are falling victim to lack of quality sleep?

Turn off electronics before bed. Many of us stay up late scrolling or binging the latest shows on TV. The effects of artificial light, especially that of technology, can keep our brains in “awake” mode far longer than we can imagine. Turning down lights and avoiding electronics gives the brain a signal that it’s time to rest.

Get physical activity during the day. It could be a few short walks, a fitness class, taking breaks to stretch, or anything in between. We are a very sedentary society, it’s important to move our bodies throughout the day to Avoid this being too close to bedtime or that can keep you awake but be aware and move around as often as you can!

Have a night time ritual or routine to help the body wind down. I suggest meditation, journaling, deep breathing, and giving the body time to find peace and calm. This will help you not only fall asleep but stay asleep as the body’s stress response is lowered before bedtime.

Send me a message, what do you do to get good sleep?