Living Intentionally

Living Intentionally

Do you do things with intention?

If you're anything like I used to be, you go about your day doing all the things without really thinking about them. You rush through your to do list without giving any thought as to how that list makes you feel. You likely have things on the list that aren't priority but for some reason, you think it's got some level of importance. You focus on taking care of all the people and things around you and not putting yourself on that list. Does any of this sound familiar?

If you're nodding your head in agreement, remember that you are not alone. There are probably way more people living a life with someone else (or many other people) in the driver's seat than we realize. We look at other people's lives and wonder how they do it all, when most likely they are barely keeping their heads above water themselves.

It can sure be tricky to be intentional with our time and energy. I am going to challenge you for the next week, to try to have self awareness of how the things you're doing daily make you feel. Are you choosing things with intention that you know bring you joy?


What are you choosing today?