Find the good, feel the good.

Find the good, feel the good.

Last year in November, I hosted a gratitude challenge inside my Facebook community… as we see done in many areas in November. The idea of being grateful and thankful really is something that we could carry into every day, every season, every aspect of our lives. Not just one month, as the practice is so powerful.

The more that we look for good in our lives, the more the brain sees it! Which means when we’re feeling down, surrounded by negativity, or otherwise overwhelmed, we’ll find a way through that… by seeing the good, the silver lining so to speak. I am not one to advocate for ignoring or pushing aside the more challenging feelings and emotions but rather finding ways to manage them.

How can you start a gratitude practice?

  1. List 3 (or more) things each day (morning or night) that made you smile. Look for little things throughout the day that you otherwise may have missed. Keeping this in a journal really compounds and you’ll see all the goodness adding up over time!

  2. Go for a walk. Pay attention, take note of what you’re grateful for about your time outside. What do you see, hear, feel, smell? Give these things some time and soak in what’s happening and how it makes you feel.

  3. Make it a habit of telling others each day that you’re thankful for them, give a reason (i.e. someone opened the door for you, brought you coffee, helped with a project, smiled at you, etc.)

  4. Gratitude meditation. Sit quietly and feel what happens in your body and mind when you live in gratitude for all that is in your life. How does it feel to see the good in each moment?

Do you have a regular gratitude practice? If not, is it something you’d like to start? Send me a message