Time Out!

Time Out!

We often think of "time outs" when it comes to the kids in our lives.

What is a time out? It's a form of discipline that separates them from the environment and/or people to show them their behavior was unacceptable.

Here's a question to consider... can time outs be beneficial for adults?

Think about this, have you ever been in a situation where your emotions got the best of you? You responded in the heat of the moment and said something you regret? Acted in a way that you wouldn't normally?

"No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched." ~ George Jean Nathan

Taking a time out when you are upset or stressed out can help you address the situation with a clearer mind and be more rational in your response.

Of course, I suggest taking a few deep breaths, meditating or journaling on your time out! Any of these techniques will help you clear your mind, lower the stress response and feel better overall!

Send me a message, do you take time outs?