Free from Frustration

Free from Frustration

You might already know this about me but in case you don’t… I am a planner. I always have been. The problem with this is when things don’t go according to plan, I get frustrated.

When I am frustrated I usually want to give up… I feel stuck because I am forced to rethink and reevaluate the plan. I am not a fan of starting over and I am not a fan of “plan b.” I know deep down that my plan isn’t always the best plan, that my plan isn’t always God’s plan, but it sure is hard sometimes!

Do you get frustrated easily too? I know I can’t be the only one!

You know I love definitions and thinking more about what things mean to me, how they've shown up in my life and my experiences.

frus·trat·ed /ˈfrəˌstrādəd/ adjective: feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of inability to change or achieve something

Made me think, do I get frustrated out of annoyance? Sometimes, yes. Am I frustrated because of the inability to change or achieve something? Most definitely, yes!

Frustration can be a natural response to stressful situations or challenges in your life. What we do when frustration comes is the key to working through it. We can stay frustrated or we can choose to respond with intention and move beyond these hard feelings. 

If you want to work on this with intentional action, book a free chat with me here.