What if you could sleep better?

What if you could sleep better?

Did you know that research shows almost 70% of women struggle with sleep?

In a recent IGTV I mentioned that I was not sleeping well before starting my meditation practice. I have experienced personally the issues that occur when we don’t get quality sleep. The body and brain need rest, we need that time to repair and replenish ourselves after all that we go through each day. I was fatigued, had chronic pain, was incredibly irritable, could NOT wait to get to bedtime but then couldn’t fall asleep between the mind chatter and achy body. Any of this familiar to you?

There are a number or shorter-term things including:

  • difficulty staying awake

  • hard time focusing and paying attention

  • impacts the ability to retain new memories and process information

Struggling to stay awake also increases chances of accidents, injuries and contributes to poor productivity. The long-term impacts are quite frankly huge reasons to make sure we are doing what we can to rest. Here are a few of them:

  • high blood pressure

  • diabetes

  • heart attack

  • stroke

How many hours of sleep do you get each night? Do you sleep well during that time? Reach out if you would like help with your sleep routine.