Knock Out Stress with Sleep

Knock Out Stress with Sleep

Because it’s fall, it’s back to school, everyone’s schedule changes, and there are 1000 things to do… meaning we are all utterly exhausted, I am going to keep going with this sleep topic. Whether it’s our kids, spouses/partners, or ourselves, sleep can be a hard thing when all the schedules change after a summer full of staying up late, sleeping in, and maybe no real agenda to adhere to.

I mentioned some of the ways lack of sleep impacts us in less than ideal ways. Now I’d like to explore why sleep is so important, what getting good sleep can really do for us!

Adequate quality sleep:

  • Increases productivity

  • Helps us manage emotions

  • Lowers risk of disease

  • Encourages healthy immune system

  • Improves memory and retention

  • Lessens risk of injury, improved recovery

Which of these do you need the most help with? Connect with me here and let's chat!