Being Intentional

Being Intentional

Do you think you always have the best intentions and then life just gets in the way of your goals?

I was on a call recently with a group of entrepreneurs/business owners and we started talking about how to stay focused... which then brought up the word intention.

Are we doing things just to do them or with intention and purpose?

If we have intention behind what we're doing and the goals we set, then it is easier to stay focused on taking action!

Example: My intentions today include connecting with my clients, serving my community and being present with my family.

Setting that intention allows me to focus on those 3 things. How can I connect with my clients? How can I serve my community? How can I be present with my family? Then, as the day goes on, I am able to put every decision up against those intentions. Should I do a Facebook live today or scroll instead? Should I reach out and ask clients how I can support them or assume they'll come to me? Should I binge Netflix or gather the family for a movie night? Which of these things align with my intentions for the day?

Do you see how setting intentions can help us stay focused and connected to who we want to be and how we want to show up?