Do this for better mood and energy!

Do this for better mood and energy!

Sometimes I feel a little stuck, what to share doesn’t come easily, the inspiration is hard to find, my clarity and focus just aren’t there… does this ever happen to you?

Well, after a day or two feeling this way… I know that in order to do my work, I have to find a way to move through it. I acknowledge the feelings but then realize I need to make changes or I’ll stay feeling like this and can’t help anyone.

Here’s a few things that I do when this happens:

  1. Set intentions - what is my mission or purpose behind doing the thing that I feel stuck about?

  2. Meditation - sometimes this is a guided session, sometimes it’s listening to calming focus music to help my mind sort out some of the things that I am struggling with.

  3. Movement - going for a walk, doing a little stretching, increases blood flow and helps move energy in my body, sometimes opening space for new things to come in.

  4. Journal - what is bothering me? What is weighing on me? How do I feel? Just let this out onto paper so I can reflect on it and decide what is true and what is my mind getting in my own way.

  5. Rest - allow time to rest and relax, taking pressure off and giving my body a little extra time to repair and replenish itself can do wonders. Waking up with a fresh day ahead and a clear mind can be just what I need to feel inspired again.

There is so much more that I could add to this list but I will save that for another day. These are some of the simplest actions that bring me clarity and focus which then helps me feel more inspired and motivated.

What do you do when you’re feeling uninspired or stuck? Send me a message!