Focus on You

Focus on You

Once upon a time, in a land not-so-far away, I was a new mom, just trying to survive. I had an infant, was grieving the death of our oldest son, living my life on auto-pilot. I let YEARS pass by before I realized just how much the stress had impacted me. I had unexplained chronic pain and didn't really care much about my own well-being.

One day, I decided that I needed to do something about the situation I had put myself in. I needed to start managing the stress before it was too late. Stress had taken over much of my life and I was miserable! I didn't really know where to start but meditation had been mentioned a number of times and I thought I would try it out.

After a few, what I deemed failed, attempts, I finally started to feel calm. I was able to stop the chatter in my mind long enough to start processing pieces of the overwhelming feelings I had been having. Little by little, just a few minutes each day, I began taking my life back. I started sleeping better, had less pain overall, and most importantly started enjoying my life again!
This week I will talk more about Focus on You Foundations, the program that I created after walking this journey myself. After firsthand experiencing the power of meditation and mindfulness. After learning to teach meditation because the changes in my life were something that I felt compelled to share with the world.

You don't have to do this alone, I am here to support, guide and encourage you to take back your life!

Do you have any questions about my journey or the program that I can answer? 

Program info: