Time Flies

Time Flies

🤷 Can you believe it's already almost September?! Like 3 days away and we are officially heading into fall schedule here.

📚 Back to school, which for us took me a few weeks over the last month to plan and prep... y'all I have a SEVENTH grader this year, say what?!!?!?

🏈 Football season is starting, which is the only sport I really pay much attention to. It's a thing I enjoyed with my mom when I was young so it's always stuck. Looking forward to watching games with the neighbors and enjoying fall nights by the fire.

🤷 But FOR REAL, how did summer fly by so fast? I feel like I just set walked away from the school space thinking "a couple of months to take a break" and in what felt like a blink, here we are!

☀️ I am glad that I have slowed down, made my days intentional, given my time and energy to things that light me up and energize me. It was a summer full of new memories, experiences that make me smile and times with friends and family leaving me with a heart that is full.

⏲️ Long story short, time flies my friends! It's up to us if we're along for the ride and soaking it in or sitting by watching it pass wondering what on earth happened?