Allowing Creativity

Allowing Creativity

Did you know that creativity can help your productivity?

I do not see myself as being a very creative person, but I am trying as I learn how helpful it can be! Our son loves to paint so we sit and do that together!

Being creative has a lot of benefits but research actually shows that taking part in creative therapies can help reduce negative emotions.

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." ~ Maya Angelou

Finding a creative outlet that you enjoy can help you feel clearer minded and more relaxed because it distracts you from your stressors. It can almost be meditative, which you know I love! Being creative can also improve concentration because it requires our attention, focusing on a single activity. 

The trick for me with creativity is to not critique or analyze my creations. If I do, it just becomes overwhelming and I don't want to do it. Trying to allow energy to just flow throughout my creative spaces has been so helpful. Being creative helps us feel free as we set aside the to-do list and just explore.

 If you'd like to join me in my creative challenge send me a message and I'll share what I plan to do.