Accomplish More by Doing Less

Accomplish More by Doing Less

Are you a hustle and grind kind of person or like to take things a little slower paced?

I used to be the person that got up early and started tackling that dreaded to-do list right away... not stopping until it was bedtime.

I burned that candle at both ends, as they say.

You know what happened to me throughout that time? I was miserable. I was resentful. I was exhausted. And you know what? I still felt like I never got everything done!!

Can you relate to this?

Since realizing that I was so unhappy and still felt behind all the time, I decided to try a different approach.

I take time for me in the morning with some meditation, movement, devotional, going slow as I get myself ready for the day. I wake up with a plan, the part of the to do list that actually needs to be done. I know some things can wait. I take breaks throughout the day to reset and reconnect.

I accomplish more because I put myself first and I prioritize my actions. I go to sleep without stressing about tomorrow.

Slowing down has changed my life.

Want to chat about how you can implement some of these things into your life so you're not running on empty? Book a call today!