Okay to Feel

Okay to Feel

It's been a couple of overwhelming weeks here. I want to be real with you and share that even though I try to stay positive, keep up with good habits, be mindful in all that I do... I struggle sometimes just like you.

Here's what's been going on for some insight:
1. my grandpa ended up with the dreaded C, he is almost 90 so we were quite worried when he was hospitalized. he did recover and is back at his nursing home, thankfully.
2. the three of us were also exposed (different incident) days before our family vacation, we took A LOT Of tests so no one else would end up sick or having to quarantine.
3. two days before vacation, our dog's health started declining. he did well with the dog sitter while we were gone but a day after we got home, we had to say goodbye to him.

All of this to say that life is challenging, we always have hurdles and obstacles to overcome. This series of events was a lot for me, I felt the weight of all of it. I backed away from some things and took time to rest and allow myself to process everything.

You see, one thing I have learned is that we all too often try to carry all this weight with us day to day and never address it. It then becomes literal weight as it puts stress on our bodies and minds.

Long story short, take care of yourself. It's ok to slow down and take time to work through hard things... we don't need to push ourselves so much so fast all of the time. I know I was sure guilty of that for years!

It's not worth it. Our well-being is the most important, without it, it's really quite hard to enjoy this amazing life we were given.