Power of One Minute

Power of One Minute

Another common question I get is “how do I start meditation?”

This is followed up by, I can’t stop thinking, my brain won’t turn off, I am too distracted, I can’t sit still, you know... all the things that happen when we feel stressed and stretched to the max.

My answer is ALWAYS this: start small. Start with one minute every day for a week, 2 weeks, a month if that’s what it takes. Then, move to 5 minutes, then 10, and even longer if you’re up for it!

Too often we underestimate the power of just one minute. When it comes to mindfulness, meditation specifically, one minute consistently is better than an hour once in a while. By tackling this one minute at a time, you are setting an intention, mastering one small goal… which means you’re more likely to keep going, because it’s manageable and achievable. If you set yourself up for an hour every day and can’t follow through the mind deems that as “failure” and wants to give up right then and there.

We’ve all heard “you can do anything for one minute,” right? I invite you to make this commitment to yourself, are you up for the challenge?