Shine Bright

Shine Bright

"To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.” — Roy T. Bennett

I've been working a lot on belief in myself lately. Running my own business, homeschooling, working to be stronger/healthier... lots of reasons to question my abilities! While my heart knows that I can do anything, my mind has a tendency to argue with it on occasion.

I end up doubting myself and I will admit that I never give myself enough credit. Anyone else? 🤷 The fear to show up authentically, being myself, in all places and all spaces is debilitating at times.

Want to know how I deal with this fear and show up anyway? Keep reading ⬇️

I have things to offer this world that no one else has, and it's my job to shine my light in a way that allows others to find me.

💖 🌟 Here is my reminder to you: shine your light, so people will find you. You are the only YOU. 🌟 💖

If you are in need of more encouragement and support like this, let's schedule a chat to talk through how you can shine your light so others can find you!