Living on Autopilot

Living on Autopilot

Myth: mindfulness is just a catchy phrase that serves no purpose.

Mindfulness allows us to be present and aware of what is happening right now. It helps us acknowledge and accept our feelings without judgment. Mindfulness can help us reduce stress in our lives (EVERYONE needs that!!) by helping us be proactive about the situations we're in, how we respond and reducing stress.

Many of us just go through the motions day to day, rushing from one thing to the next (TBH, I used to do that all day every day), and not pausing, not reflecting on what we do or why. We end up filling our days with meaningless things and resent everyone we perceive to have found what we believe to be an unattainable place of joy and happiness.

Truth: mindfulness can help us live more rewarding, fulfilling and enjoyable lives.