Being Aware

Being Aware

Practicing meditation allows us to just be. 

To be in the present moment where nothing else matters. What matters most is to connect to yourself, mind, body and soul.

If you're new to meditation or not sure what to do... here is an easy practice that you can do anytime you'd like or whenever you feel anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed.
1. Stop whatever you're doing, pause, and take a few deep breaths. 

2. Slow down your mind and focus on how these deep breaths feel in your body. What do you notice happening right now? Don't think about the past, don't worry about the future. 

3. Take a few more deep breaths, allow tension to release. Lean into this freedom of releasing all expectations. 

4. When you feel that this practice has served you well, hold your hands across your chest, your heart, and honor the space you just gave yourself for awareness and presence!

How do you feel?