

πŸ‘€ What do you see when you look at this picture?

πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ You might be thinking this is kind of a silly question. It's a sunset. End of story, right?

Not so fast... it's important to remember that we all see things differently. Something I would like to ask you to consider is whether you see more positivity or more negativity in your life?

πŸ“ One powerful practice that I do, and lean into a lot when I feel negative energy, is my gratitude list. Why do I do this? Because of how the brain works, putting things that make me happy in front of it as much as possible, makes the brain likely to see them more often!

πŸ‘ It's really quite simple, make a list of things that make you happy! What happened in the last day that made you smile or feel good? It's really that easy to shift our energy and mood.

⬇️ Now, let's hear it... what made you smile today?

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