The Power of Positive Perception: How Seeing the Good Can Transform Your Life

The Power of Positive Perception: How Seeing the Good Can Transform Your Life

In our daily lives, we often encounter negativity and challenges that can weigh us down. However, research suggests that by consciously seeking the good, our brains are wired to perceive more positivity around us.

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Self-Care for the Super Busy: How to Squeeze in Meditation Time Anywhere

Self-Care for the Super Busy: How to Squeeze in Meditation Time Anywhere

In today's fast-paced world, finding time for self-care practices like meditation can seem impossible. However, incorporating meditation into your daily routine is essential for maintaining balance and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore valuable tips and tricks for squeezing in meditation time anywhere, even with a busy schedule.

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Feeling Surprised

Feeling Surprised

Have you ever looked back, over a day, a week, a month, or a year and thought, "wow, I cannot believe that happened?"

Sometimes, if we make space and we look back over time, we find things that surprise us. Things we never expected, things we never thought possible, things we never thought we were capable of.

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